
About Me

I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the Madison (WI) Area.

I support parents as their children grow. My expertise is with families (mothers, fathers, couples, grandparents) during the first year of parenting. I focus on how people change as they become parents — and how they continue to take on new roles as their children grow up, launch, and become parents themselves.

I also have interest and experience helping people facing the challenges of living with illness, either their own or as a caregiver.

My career is at the intersection of physical and mental well-being. I have been learning from and working with parents as a peer volunteer and as a professional since 1991. I was a doula from 1991-1996, a La Leche League Leader (peer breastfeeding support) from 1995-2013, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant since 2006, and weekly parent peer support group facilitator since 2010.

I graduated from Edgewood College with a Masters Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy in 2018.

Highlights of my training include: